Balance Issues
Why do balance problems occur?↓
Balance problems occur when an individual has difficulty with maintaining an upright posture in sitting, standing or walking.
How can physical therapy help? ↓
Because the symptoms and pain are individual, each patient will have a different presentation at therapy. A physical therapist will do a thorough medical history review including gathering all the information about your current pain levels, current functional deficits and how this impacts your daily activities. A movement assessment will be performed including observation of activities such as walking or getting in/out of a chair as well as movements specific to your pain location and symptoms. With this information your physical therapist can develop a personalized treatment plan to help relieve your back pain and get you back to your normal routine. Your physical therapist will likely prescribe a combination of exercises, stretches and activities to avoid while you’re recovering as well as advise you on how to resume activities once you find relief.
Balance Exercise Example
Exercise - Single Leg Stance:
Stand on one leg and maintain your balance. Attempt to perform 2 minute increments with only toe-touch from the opposite for maintaining balance. As you progress, you may begin working with dynamic surfaces, such as placing a pillow under the extremity being exercised.