Elevate is one of the Best rated Physical Therapy clinics
in East Brunswick, NJ
Hear it from our awesome patients themselves...
“I was referred to by Danielle by a friend. and I am so happy I called! I was experiencing consistent shoulder pain, but kept working out anyway which wasn’t the best idea…Danielle was able to get creative with my program. The tape was awesome too”
- Sarah
“I was nervous during my first session, but Danielle made me feel comfortable and pushed me past my mental roadblocks. I am happy to say that I now pick up my kids on a daily basis without back pain. I can’t thank Danielle enough.”
- Michele
“It has always been a dream on mine to run a marathon. With Danielle’s help she was able to fix my knee and keep me on course. She really helped me stay positive and pushed me!”
- Chris
Don’t accept your limits
Keep moving and reach your peak with Elevate Physical Therapy