6-Facts About Posture

The quest for “perfect posture”

Can it be found or is it elusive like the fountain of youth?

Good News!  You too can have perfect posture, just follow these 3-easy steps. 

Step One: Find a hard chair that’s not too big, not too small, you know, your Goldilocks chair. (Please note that this chair should allow your feet to sit firmly on the floor and should keep your hips above your knees)  

Step Two: Get a towel, roll it up and place it in the small of your back. Now sit there. Don’t move. 

Step Three: Completely forget steps 1-2.  

  • How many of you have heard this advice before?  I’ve definitely given this advice before. 

  • Follow up question: How many of you were told that the reason you have pain is because of your posture?  This one, I’ve also done (back in the youth of my career when I believed everything an older, “wiser” practitioner would tell me).  But what does the evidence say?  Below are the FACTS we do know about posture, supported by current research

Fact 1: There is no such thing as a perfect posture for everyone.  Posture is not a one size fits all body suit you can put on.  

Fact 2: Shape and curvature of the spine does not predict pain.  The spine, as all of us, comes in different shapes. 

Fact 3: The spine is tough and adaptable.  It’s capable of moving in different positions and tolerating different loads. 

Fact 4: Posture can tell us more about a person's mental status than physical one. Posture can reflect a person’s mood and emotions. 

Fact 5: Sitting “too much” does not increase your risk for pain. However, MOVING often can be helpful.  

Fact 6: The best posture is a comfortable one.  

I just want to be clear, that last fact does not say to sit around or lay around all day.  Remember the context: In discussing posture, there is no one posture that is best for everyone.  As number 5 states, movement can be helpful and there is loads of research around to support this.  So the next time someone tells you you have poor posture, don’t just assume that’s the reason you have pain. If you have any questions or if you completely disagree, give me a call I’d love to have the opportunity to discuss this with you!          


The Brettzel Stretch


Talking about your low back pain can relieve it!