5-ways to tackle spring cleaning/gardening SAFELY! 

  1. Protect your back! 

    Avoid lifting heavy loads or bending/twisting a lot at the back.  This can overload the back and cause discomfort.  Try placing objects at chest/waist height if possible.  If you have to pick something up from the ground make sure to bend your knees and use your legs to help lift the load.  

  2. Protect your knees!

    If you will be doing a lot of kneeling or work that is at the ground level (pulling weeds, planting seeds), consider using a pad under your knees and adopt a half-kneeling stance.  (One knee up and one knee down on the pad) Alternate knees regularly to avoid increased strain on one leg.    

  3. Work smart!

    SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE RACE! Remember performing work in smaller amounts may take a longer time, but rest is important to avoid overuse of the body!  Also it is important to change position or activities frequently to avoid fatigue.

  4. Work Together! 

    Enlist help from a spouse, partner, child, friend, neighbor, whomever.  This will help to lighten the load and you’ll be twice as efficient. 


    Listen to and take care of your body.  Make sure you are drinking plenty of water, spring cleaning and gardening is tough work.  IF YOU START TO HAVE ANY PAIN OR DISCOMFORT DURING ACTIVITY: STOP, REST, and CALL ELEVATE PHYSICAL THERAPY and REHAB! 

April 27, 2020


How to Avoid Shoulder Pain While Weight Lifting


Battling neck pain and poor posture: Tips for working from home