Debunking 4 myths about arthritis and exercise

Myth #1: “Exercise will make my joint pain/arthritis worse”

MOTION IS LOTION! Moving our joints actually improves lubrication in the joint and can help increase flexibility. This increase in lubrication can actually help to alleviate some of the pain associated with arthritis.  Remember not all motion is created equal, so if you have any questions about this consult a physical therapist.  

Myth #2: “I have arthritis, I have not exercised in the past and should not start now”

It is never too late to start exercising.  Exercise is recommended for all types of arthritis and has actually been shown to slow the progression of arthritis.  Exercise does not have to mean heavy weight lifting, it can simply start with light biking in a gym or some mat exercises.  This is where a physical therapist can help.  They have the training and knowledge to evaluate your condition and develop a program that suits you.   

Myth #3: “I can only do low impact activities because of my arthritis”

Research actually supports the use of high intensity training in individuals with arthritis (both hip and knee).  This means that performing activities such as squats and stairs with weight is actually recommended.  But refer to Myth #2, if you have never exercised in the past, you will have to start slowly.  Always be sure to consult a healthcare professional before engaging in exercise.  

Myth #4: “Pain is a bad thing”

Pain should always be respected, but people will often confuse joint pain (stiffness/tightness) with muscular fatigue/work (burning); if you are exercising and feeling a burning or strain in the muscles, this is okay, this is a normal response to exercise.  In fact you want this to occur in order to build muscle.  And if you are truly experiencing pain, then we have to consider that it is there for a reason and we need to know what that reason is.  This where a skilled physical therapist can help to educate you on pain and what exercises to perform.   

Because we haven’t said it enough: If you have arthritis pain, contact us at (732) 631-4233.  Our board certified physical therapist can help alleviate the pain and educate you on proper exercise technique and prescription.   

April 22, 2020


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