Get Your Hands Up! A simple exercise to improve shoulder mobility

Wall Angels

Wall angels are a great exercise to address thoracic spine extension, scapular stabilization activation, shoulder mobility and core engagement.  Thoracic extension is limited because of the hunched positions in which we work and use our phones/tablets.  When this movement becomes limited we compensate at the lumbar spine (lower back) which can result in low back pain sensitivity to extension.  

Set up:

Begin standing at the wall with your feet about 6 inches away so you can rest your lower back at the wall.  Pull your belly button in toward your spine gently to maintain some deep abdominal core activation.  Place your hands up as if you’re being arrested, make sure your elbows and wrists are touching the wall. 

Thoracic spine exercise wall angels
Thoracic spine exercise wall angels
Thoracic spine exercise wall angels


Breathe in and as you breathe out, slide your arms up the wall until they are above your head and elbows are straight (think overhead squat position).  Then slide your arms back down the wall and try to pull your elbows in toward your back pockets.   

Hold for 2-3 secs and repeat for 10 repetitions. 


  1. Make sure to keep your head against the wall.

  2. Remember to keep breathing, if you get “stuck” breathe through it instead of holding your breath and see if you can get further. 

  3. If you cannot maintain your lower back at the wall, try sitting down and bringing your heels in toward your butt and knees toward your chest, then perform the activity. 

angle 2.jpg

You should be able to get your arms all the way straight without pain.  If you’re having trouble, give us a call or send us an email!


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