The Best Hip Mobility Drill

The Shin Box

Why we need mobile hips:  Good movement in our hips does not only affect leg exercises in the gym, but also how our back moves and is supported.  Your hips are a part of the lumbopelvic (low back-pelvic) hip complex, this means that if your hips can’t move, your lower back or sacroiliac joint will try to compensate.  This could lead to pain in the back, groin or hamstrings. Because this complex has soft tissue (muscle and fascia) connections to areas above and below, poor mobility in the hips can affect the shoulder and even the ankle! (If you’re interested in more information about that, just contact me.)   

What you can do: Try the shin box hip mobility drill.  This drill is a great way to assess the amount of movement in your hips and also how well you can control that movement.     


The Setup: Begin seated on the ground with your knees bents and feet separated a little wider than hip width.  Make sure to keep your back straight and try not to round into the lower part of your back. 

shinbox2 (2).jpg

The Drill: roll your legs to the right and try to get both knees in contact with the floor.  Then return to the center and roll your legs to the left.  Remember to keep your torso upright. 


  • f you’re having trouble keeping your back straight, try pressing your palms together while you do this, this will help to activate your trunk stabilizers or “core”. 

  • If you’re having trouble getting into the end position, you can modify the activity and place your arms behind you.  This will decrease the amount of hip flexion and make the exercise easier.  Still keep your back straight.  

As always, if you have pain in your hip, lower back or groin, this includes a pinching or significant tightness, contact me.  Let’s figure out how to get your hips moving better!


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